Take Advantage of Networking Opportunities at ICMGP 2017!

Conferences are one of the best ways to network within your field, meet new colleagues, and establish professional connections. ICMGP brings together experts from all over the world spanning a wide variety of fields, disciplines and backgrounds, and varying types of experience. By participating in networking opportunities, you can take full advantage of the vast expertise present at the conference. Don’t miss out on your chance to learn from and connect with these professionals!

Throughout the conference, you will have the opportunity to:

Discuss your research and get feedback
Explore and discover a diverse range of topics and fields of knowledge
Learn about a wide variety of career options
Create and discover future collaboration and professional opportunities
Interact with experts one-on-one
Obtain professional advice on any scientific or career questions you may have
Discuss pressing issues inherent to careers in science
Meet other students, recent graduates, post-docs, and early career professionals
If you have any questions regarding these opportunities, please contact the Conference Secretariat at .

Peer-to-Peer Mentoring throughout the Conference

A Peer Mentor is an early career researcher with some experience who can serve as a resource, a helping hand, or sounding board. The job of a peer mentor is to provide support, encouragement, and information to BSC, MSc, and PhD students in their field.

Based on field of expertise, we will match post-doctoral mentors with small groups of BSc, MSc, and PhD students who have registered for the program, with the intent that the group connects at multiple opportunities throughout the conference week and beyond. Interaction could include:

Find each other and get acquainted during the Opening Reception
Attend the student breakfast on Monday morning to meet and engage with additional students attending the conference — space is limited – register early!
Get together after the student/mentor lunch to exchange new information
Peruse the poster sessions together and discuss the research
Attend oral presentations together and/or come together to discuss the different sessions attended by members of the group
Connect post-conference to update the group on your recent successes, challenges and opportunities
TIP: Take the initiative – seek out your mentor group upon arrival to optimize your time with them and start building your network.

Mentor Lunch

Tuesday, July 18 · Timing & Location TBC

Join us for this great opportunity that brings together students and post docs to engage in face-time with more established mercury professionals and researchers while enjoying complimentary lunch and beverages—space is limited – register early! Gain valuable information on various career options and industry insights, while establishing professional connections that may lead to future job opportunities and collaborations. Network and learn from the best, as participants sit down and chat with a number of professionals, researchers, and academics within mercury-related fields from all over the world.

When registering, mentees can select from a number of topics they would like to discuss with mentors:

Careers in academia, governments, NGOs, or industry
Writing papers and the review process
Ethics in publishing
Writing grants and obtaining funding
Existing graduate student& post-doctoral funding opportunities (government and industry fellowships)
Work/Life balance in research careers
Gender and other diversity issues in science
Nontraditional research careers
Adopting a career philosophy to impact global policy
TIP: Bring Business Cards! — Take along your business card to maintain new connections made throughout the lunch. When someone hands you their business card, on the back write down a quick note on who they are and something memorable about them… this way you’ll remember them months after the conference when you go through all your business cards.

Student & Post Doc Social/Dine-Around

Tuesday, July 18 · Timing & Location TBC

Come on out to join fellow students and early career professionals for a fun night out in Providence! Registration at this event books a reservation at a local restaurant/pub for dinner out (user pay) and the chance to get to know other students and professionals in your field in a relaxed and casual atmosphere.

TIP: During the social/dine-around, go up to someone you haven’t met yet, introduce yourself, and make a new acquaintance. You never know what can happen! You might stay in touch, collaborate on a research project 20 years from now, or make a new friend for life.

Registration for Student & Post Doc Activities

You have the opportunity for any/all of the following:

Be a peer-to-peer mentor (Post doc students)
Be a peer-to-peer mentee (BSc, MSc, and PhD students)
RSVP to attend the Opening Reception (Sunday evening)
RSVP to attend the Student Breakfast (Monday morning)
Sign up as a student/post doc participant for the Mentor Lunch (BSc, MSc, PhD, and Post Docs) (Tuesday)
Select the topic you are most interested in discussing at the student/mentor lunch
Sign up for the Student & Post Doc Social/Dine Around (Tuesday evening)
Become a Volunteer
TIP: Register early – space for all programs is limited. Don’t miss your opportunity to get involved!